Q: What is the phone number to contact Ernest Walters?

A: The phone number to contact Ernest Walters is 0330 043 5429, which is a UK-based call centre using a local rate number.

Q: Does Ernest Walters deliver outside of the UK?

A: No, Ernest Walters only delivers to the whole of the UK including the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.

Q: How long does it take to receive an order from Ernest Walters?

A: Orders from Ernest Walters are expected to be delivered within 7-10 working days after the order is placed, but typically within 5 working days.

Q: How much does delivery cost from Ernest Walters?

A: Delivery from Ernest Walters costs £2.99 unless there is an offer code or promotion being used.

Q: What is the cancellation policy for Ernest Walters? A: To cancel an order before it has been delivered, contact Ernest Walters on their local rate number 0330 043 5429 or email info@ernestwalters.co.uk. If the order has already been dispatched, it cannot be cancelled but can be returned upon delivery.

Q: What is the return policy for Ernest Walters?

A: Ernest Walters offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. To be eligible for a return, the item must be in the same condition that it was received, unworn or unused, with tags and in its original packaging. Returns may be refused if any item is not in its original condition, is damaged, or missing parts for reasons not due to the company's error. Refunds will not be accepted if the product packaging is soiled or damaged. Customers are responsible for paying the costs of returning the goods, and using a fully tracked delivery service is recommended.